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Heartfelt Reflections A CHMC Blog

Chaplain Sam Williams, MDiv.

Sacred Credentials: The World of Chaplaincy Certifications

American Correctional Chaplains Association (ACCA) (Est. 1885)

  1. Website:(

  2. History: The American Correctional Chaplains Association was founded in 1885, serving as a network for sharing information among chaplains, formulating standards for chaplaincy and religious programs, and communicating the religious and spiritual aspects of connections to the larger community.

  3. Process for First Time Applicants: A.    You may begin the process near the completion of the required one-year experience as a correctional chaplain. However, you are urged to begin the process at the time that you decide to pursue a career in correctional chaplaincy. A certified correctional chaplain may be assigned to provide guidance as you obtain the needed credentials and experience (mentor). Upon the documentation of the credentials, you will become an “approved applicant for certification.” This can be a valuable document to have in obtaining a correctional chaplaincy position B.    Send a letter requesting the Application Form or use the application form on this WEB SITE. Return the Form with all written materials and documentation listed under REQUIREMENTS for the category of certification you are seeking, plus the $10.00 application fee. This fee is non-refundable but will care for your application through setting of the certification interview. Your packet of materials will be in the hands of your mentor who will assist you in providing the required documents and will notify the Chair of Certification when the materials are complete. Those materials will be reviewed by 3 certified members. If they concur, this will be reported to the certification committee, and you will be become an “approved applicant for certification.” C.   When all materials are received and in good order, and you have completed 1 year as a professional correctional chaplain, a letter will be sent to you to that effect. D.   When all fees are paid, a place and time for the candidate to meet with the interview committee will be set. If at all possible your Presenter will be your Mentor or a Presenter will be appointed for the candidate to assist the candidate during the interview meeting. E.    At the end of the interview, the interview committee will indicate the recommendation which will be sent to the Certification Committee for vote. This recommendation will be for approval or non-approval for Certification, or for In Care Status with recommendations for continuing work toward Certification. F.    A Certificate will be sent to an approved candidate, and a notification letter to an appropriate authority as requested by the candidate. WHERE DO I SEND THE MATERIALS AND FEES ? All materials, fees, and other correspondence regarding, Certification by the ACCA are to be directed to: Rev. Norma Jean Gillom - 2034 West 38th StreetPine Bluff, AR 71603 | 870-413-3698 Email:

  4. Reciprocity Unknown | Discover

  5. Applications and Forms

    1. Certification Information (

    2. About ACCA (

Association of Certified Christian Chaplains (ACCC) (Est. 1941)

Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) (Est. 1946)

Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC/ACSS) (Est. 1965)

Center for Spiritual Care & Pastoral Formation (CSCPF)

College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy (CPSP) (Est. 1990)

Healthcare Chaplains Ministry Association (HCMA) (Est. 1939)

International Association of Christian Chaplains (Est. 1930)

National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) (Est. 1965)

National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains (Est. 1865)

National Conference of Veterans Affairs Catholic Chaplains (Est. 1985)

  1. Website:

  2. History: The National Conference of Veterans Affairs Catholic Chaplains (NCVACC) was established in 1985 with the election of its first set of officers. This was preceded in the previous year by a survey of over fifty Catholic chaplains in the VA who expressed a desire to form a professional organization that would address their unique needs.

Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains (NAJC) (Est. 1995)

National Institute of Business and Industrial Chaplains (NIBIC) (Est. 1970)

Clinical Pastoral Education International (CPEI) (Est. 2018)

World Spiritual Health Organization (WSHO) (Est. 2012)

National Association of Orthodox Chaplains (Est. 1943)

National Association of Certified Military Chaplains

  1. Website: Certifications – The National Association of Certified Military Chaplains (

  2. History: The roots of spiritual direction trace back to ancient religious traditions, where spiritual guides offered mentorship and counsel to seekers navigating their faith journeys. Over centuries, the practice evolved within various religious contexts, encompassing traditions like Christian monasticism, Sufism, and Indigenous spiritual guidance. As the demand for spiritual companionship expands beyond traditional structures, the need for a more formalized approach has emerged.

Spiritual Care Association (SCA) (Est. 2016)

Good to know:

-ACCC, SCA, BCCI, NACC, NAVAC and NAJC follow the National Common Standards.  Both organizations have been thoroughly vetted by VA officials to be compliant with their certification needs. ACCC also includes a standardized test in addition to the common standards

-Only six chaplain certifying bodies follow the National Common Standards: ACCC, SCA, BCCI, NACC, NAVAC and NAJC.

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